Images Contents
- • Morphology of the normal heart
- • The approaches
- • Fluoroscopy cardiac anatomy
- • The atrioventricular juction
- • The atrial structure
- • The interatrial septum
- • The right atrium: endocardial topography
- • The left atrium: endocardial topography
- • The pulmonary veins
- • Myoarchitecture of the atrial wall
- • The Bachmann´s bundle
- • The right and left ventricles
- • The valves
- • Myoarchitecture of the ventricles
- • Extracardiac strutures
- • The pericardium
- • The coronary vessels
- • Conduction system of the heart
- • The nervous system of the heart
- • Congenital heart diseases
Morphology of the normal heart
Surfaces and grooves of the heart
Figure legend
Left panel. Anatomy of the pericardium in the mediastinum space. The image shows the parietal pericardium in relation to the mediastinal pleurae of both lungs, and leaning on the diaphragm.
Right panel. Note the extensive epicardial fat adhered to the parietal pericardium, continuing with the fat that covers the major vessels (see text for details).
Left panel. Shows a macroscopic horizontal or short axis section of the thorax at the level of approximately the seventh thoracic vertebra. In the section we can be seen how the heart is located in the anterior part of the mediastinum, the left atrium is related dorsally to the esophagus and the right ventricle to the sternum, both through the fibrous pericardium. Note the right phrenic nerve lies between the superior caval vein and the mediastinal pleura.
Right panel shows a “window” at the level of the right heart, right atrium, right ventricle and its infundibulum, trunk of the pulmonary artery and its division into right and left pulmonary artery. LPA-left pulmonary artery; LSPV- left superior pulmonary vein; RAA-right atrial appendage; RIPV- right inferior pulmonary vein; RPA-right pulmonary artery; RSPV-right superior pulmonary vein; RV-right ventricle.
Left panel shows a dissection of the fibrous pericardium and the formation of the superior caval vein by the confluence between the two right and left brachiocephalic or innominate venous trunks. The superior caval vein (SCV) is located anterolateral to the trachea and posterolateral to the ascending aorta. The phrenic nerve lies between the SCV and right superior pulmonary vein; and forms the posterior limit of the transverse sinus.
Middle panel, dissection of a cadaver viewed from the front shows the sinuses (transverse sinus and oblique sinus) following removal of the heart. The oblique sinus lies posterior to the left atrium, and the transverse sinus above the roof of the left atrium behind the posterior wall of the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk.
Right panel shows an anterior view of the heart in a cadaver that has been dissected to show the course of the right phrenic nerve (RPN) relative to the right atrium, and the left phrenic nerve (LPN) relative to left atrial appendage and left ventricle lateral wall. ADA- anterior descending artery; Ao-aorta; ICV- inferior caval vein; LIPV- left inferior pulmonary vein; LSPV- left superior pulmonary vein; LV- left ventricle; PA- pulmonary artery; RA- right atrium; RIPV- right inferior pulmonary vein; RS- right superior pulmonary vein; RV- right ventricle.
Left panel, the heart has been removed from the thorax and is photographed from the front more or less in the position it occupies in life. In it, the grooves and borders that are normally used have been indicated.
Right panel, cast of the chambers of the heart, with the so-called right chambers in blue, and the left chambers in red, viewed in the position occupied by the heart seen in the anatomic position, the so-called attitudinal display. In it, the grooves and borders have also been indicated (see text for details).
Left panel, diaphragmatic surface of the heart again photographed in a position to simulate its usual location within the body. The grooves and borders have been indicated.
Right panel, cast of the chambers of the heart, with the right chambers in blue, and the left chambers in red, viewed in the position occupied by the heart seen in the anatomic position. The grooves and borders have also been indicated (see text for details). LA-left atrium; LIPV-left inferior pulmonary vein; RAA-right atrial appendage; RSPV-right superior pulmonary vein.
Left panel, is a heart specimen displayed to show the anterior or frontal aspect. In this specimen the various cardiac surfaces have been marked.
Middle panel, dissection of a heart viewed from the front showing the coronary arteries and some of the grooves of the heart.
Right panel, a heart specimen displayed to show the diaphragmatic surface and the distribution of the coronary arteries and veins on this surface. AD artery- anterior descending artery; CS- coronary sinus; CX artery- circumflex artery; LA- left atrium; LAA-left atrial appendage; LV-left ventricle; MC vein- Middle cardiac vein; PA-pulmonary artery; PD posterior/inferior descending artery; RA- right atrium; RAA-right atrial appendage; RC artery- right coronary artery; RV-right ventricle; RVOT-right ventricle outflow tract; SCV-superior caval vein.
Left and right panels. Short axis sections of the heart which contains both the atrioventricular and arterial valves at the base of the ventricular mass. It is photographed from the atrial aspect having removed the atrial chambers and arterial trunks down to the levels of the junctions. Note in the left panel the arrangement of the coronary arteries painted in red and also, we have excised the aortic non-coronary leaflet. The right panel shows the central location of the aorta and that the pectinate muscles within the left atrium are confined only within the appendage. LAA- left atrial appendage; LCS-left coronary sinus; PT- pulmonary trunk; NCS- non coronary sinus; RAA- right atrial appendage; RCS-right coronary sinus.